Patriotism: love for or devotion to one’s country

Soldiers in Helmand prepare to celebrate royal wedding

On Friday, billions of eyes were on a Prince and a Princess (excuse me, Duke and Duchess) as they wed in London.

Yesterday, billions of eyes were on our President as he announced the death of an internationally wanted terrorist.

It’s a celebration, b******. Well, not to everyone. Some thought the media hoopla that surrounded the royal wedding was ridiculous. And some are cautious to celebrate Osama bin Laden’s death. To each his – or her – own.

But these events have brought people together. And that unity and patriotism is awesome. And rare. The news is usually negative (understatement) so I appreciate the positive stories and the opportunity to escape the other realities for a brief moment or two. Even British soldiers in Afghanistan participated in royal wedding festivities of their own.

I wasn’t planning on spending hours watching the wedding but there I was on my day off, fascinated by the pageantry and tradition. The hats, the uniforms, the wrong side of the road, the sophisticated (and always charming) accent … all a part of Britain’s history.

And now Osama bin Laden’s demise is a part of ours.

I was at Target when I found out (I know, sooo American). I wanted to share the moment with everyone in the store! I had a vision of us all in front of the TVs in Electronics, bonding over this occasion. Strangers connecting. But you can’t change the TVs off of the NFL Network (I know, sooo American). And no one else in the store seemed to know or give a crap. So I took to Twitter and texting. And now blogging (which, BTW, I’ll be doing more of, thanks to my shiny new MacBook Pro).

Terrorism will never be over and no one knows what’s next, but let’s celebrate this historic moment. More importantly, let’s celebrate (and continue to celebrate) the people – the greatest patriots – who risked their lives or gave their lives for this to happen.

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